Lavish Thai Silk Floral Bouquet


21 in stock


Lavish Thai Silk Floral Bouquet | Artificial Flowers made in Thailand | Lasts all year

A floral symphony in shades of pink, vanilla and green, this stunning combination, including two unlikely partners, wisteria & hydrangea, are a delight to the eye. The pale rose & lilac are accentuated by the cerise rose & lavender allium spray resulting in an arrangement demanding attention. Placed prominently in your home or office, this will brighten everyone’s day.

These beautiful roses would make for a gorgeous floral head crown, millinery piece or filler for a bouquet (you can add stems, see available stems in the shop). There are lots of layers making these roses have a very full look. The color of these roses are a beautiful red and purple color.

Do you need ideas for decorating your home?

✷ Beautiful and Durable Home Decor ✷

Want beautiful and durable decor? Look no further! You can count on us for durable and sturdy flowers! These pieces, in addition to being beautiful, make wonderful additions to any home.

✷ Wonderful Gifts for Flower Enthusiast ✷

Know anyone who just loves flowers? Our set of 5 white roses makes great gifts for any flower enthusiast! A perfect addition to any new home!

✷ Silk Flowers Handcrafted in Thailand ✷

Looking for something authentic and beautiful to decorate your homes with? Our flowers are a great option! Have a taste of Thailand in the comfort of your own home.


[Handmade] [Height: 17.72 inches] [Width: 1.18 inches/1 rose bud head, 3.15 inches/ blooming rose head, 5.12 inches/lily head ] [Made from Thailand]


[1x Set of flowers – either 9 or 11 stems depending on variation selected]